
For Mike || Part 0.1: Introduction

Dear friend--

We have not spoken for a while. Perhaps that is good, I don't know. The holding in of pee can be beautiful? I guess I never did answer that question. You assured me that it was "cute," and perhaps that is enough.

I have bacterial infection. I got it while I was in New York city. While I was in New York, I also visited the New York main library, the famous one with two lions perched in front. (My first memory of the New York library dates back to when I was a toddler; there was a Disney cartoon, an extended piece detailing the mayhem when the two library lions come to life and terrorize the city; I have retained this cartoon in conscious memory over so many years without knowing that the lions guard a library, without clue of location to tie it in, make it significant; why?)

The New York library was having a Kerouac exhibition while I was visiting. I looked around. I thought of you. I saved brochures. And now I will describe a little, type (almost the whole) brochure out, and then taint it by adding my unwanted thoughts.

It is what I do for a friend.

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